Bare Root Hedging Plants From Arbour Landscape Solutions

Bare root hedging is the most cost effective way to establish boundary hedges and living garden screening solutions.  Plants are delivered during their dormant period, usually November - March and need to be planted into prepared soil straight away.  Because there are no pots and no soil, delivery costs are minimal, thus there are enormous savings to be made.

bare root hedging plants leaning against a wall with sturdy stems and healthy root systems

Why Buy Bare Root Hedging?

  • yes Least costly way of buying hedging plants

  • yes No plastic pots to dispose of
  • yes Less stress on the plants as they are dormant
  • yes Quicker and easier to plant
  • yes Roots can start to get established before they need to support leaves etc, resulting in more robust plants.
  • yes Planted at a time of year when landscapers are traditionally less busy - helps manage the workload.
  • yes Soil is generally moist at this time of year - less pressure on irrigation systems (although plants WILL need to be watered throughout the first year of establishment)

Why Buy From Arbour Landscape Solutions?

Arbour Landscape Solutions is one of the UK’s largest landscape supply companies. We work with garden designers, landscapers and architects throughout England, Scotland and Wales and this gives us tremendous buying power.  The economies of scale mean that we are able to pass cost savings on to our clients whenever possible.

When you buy bare root hedging from Arbour Landscape Solutions you can be sure of receiving quality plants where you need them, when you need them.  We compare prices and availability from several reputable UK nurseries before reserving stock on your behalf.  That way, you don’t need to spend long hours visiting websites or emailing and calling suppliers.

As well as finding you great bare root hedging plants at great prices, our logistics team goes above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that you know when to expect your delivery. Communication is key in the landscape industry and judging by the feedback we get from garden designers and landscapers - we’ve got communication down to a tee.

review for arbour landscape solutions

As well as bare root plants, we can supply you with all manner of hedge planting necessities such as topsoil, compost, mulch, canes and guards. Arbour Landscape Solutions really is the one stop shop for landscaping supplies.

Click Here To Discover How To Order Bare Root Hedging From Arbour Landscape Solutions


Bare root trees also available - contact our team to enquire

